Moving to Stuttgart
Are you looking for a removals company in Berlin to move from Berlin to Stuttgart? Or are you looking for a removals company in Stuttgart and the surrounding area to move from Stuttgart to Berlin?
Who offers painting or renovation work in addition to the specific work included in the move for your move in Berlin?
Which moving company can also help me with the renovation work?
For these cases, we have a removal company that will be a perfect fit for you and make you happy. The Schwalbe Removal company, which offers a wide range of services for moving from Berlin to Stuttgart, is worth mentioning here.

Are you wondering how this company can help you with your move? Schwalbe Removal Company provides services that customers love in Berlin, Stuttgart and throughout Germany. That’s why Schwalbe Removal Company is the perfect partner for you. Because it doesn’t matter where the removal location is, we will support you in your project.
Now let’s move on to the topic of your painting and renovation work for the move from Stuttgart to Berlin. At Schwalbe Removals, we not only offer our customers the work involved in a relocation, but we are also your point of contact when it comes to renovation work before and after the move. Because one of the main reasons for renovation is the commercial restoration of rented rooms after relocation.
In most cases, an agreement is signed that obligates the tenant to restore the apartment to proper condition after moving out. In the following section, we would like to discuss other reasons for painting work after a step.
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Where can I find a professional moving company?
At Schwalbe Removals, we have a team that has been trained precisely for this type of work.
We are happy to assist you with our staff and always perform your work with reliability and necessary motivation. This is because there is usually an agreement made at the beginning of the tenancy agreement that enables the landlord to demand a clean apartment after the tenant moves out. This way, the owner of the apartment or house is on the safe side. This is because the tenant may not use the rented rooms properly, which may result in damage to the apartment.
However, please note that you are not always obliged to carry out a full renewal after your move. This is because judges have ruled that tenants only have to clean and leave apartments after moving out. This means that, for example, any damage that occurs in the bathroom should be repaired, but the rooms in the apartment do not need to be completely renovated.
Pay attention to the specific wording in your tenancy agreement. If it mentions repair claims, this paragraph is generally not binding on you. However, if in doubt, you should always seek legal advice.
The move Berlin – Stuttgart – the moving company Schwalbe makes it a success
For many tenants, renovating the apartment after moving out is almost a thing. Whether the tenant actually has to make renovations is not clearly regulated in tenancy law. However, the owner of the apartment has the right to transfer at least part of the work and related costs to the tenant.
However, the apartment owner does not have the right to, for example, require sanding of the floor or complete replacement of various sanitary facilities.
However, please note that minor cosmetic repairs may be demanded by the owner or housing association. Cosmetic repairs primarily refer to wear and tear that has occurred while the tenant is using the residence.
The following list is intended to give you an overview of the work that may be included in a renovation:
However, according to the courts, cosmetic repairs clearly do not include repairing radiators, sanding parcels or complete replacement of sanitary facilities such as bathrooms or kitchens.
We are happy to be your partner for all your questions about moving from Berlin to Stuttgart or moving from Stuttgart to Berlin.